Ana Rada

Co-Chair of the Liaison Committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point for the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Ana Rada Tarifa has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry and Pharmacy (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, UMSA. La Paz – Bolivia). She has a Masters Degree in Public Health with a major in Epidemiology. She works at the Cytogenetics Unit, Genetics Institute, Medicine School UMSA, professor, assistant professor and guest professor in several national and international courses.

Ana Rada was a member of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Council for Science (RCLAC ICSU) and Past-President of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Council of Science (RCLAC ISC). She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences – Bolivia (ANC), TWAS Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries, Focal Point for Bolivia in the Women for Science program of the InterAmerican association of Science Academies (IANAS), member of the Latin American Network of Biological Dosimetry, member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World, member of the Bolivian Genetics Society. She has published a book chapter and several scientific articles. The main research topics in which she is involved are: Human Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology and Biological

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