Working Group on action in the area of inequality
The Working Group on action in the area of inequality was established to report on the current research landscape relating to poverty and inequality, including global experts and initiatives. The objective was to provide a recommendation the Governing board on needs and opportunities for an ISC Affiliated body or other international coordinating initiative in this domain, building on the work of the Global Research on Inequality Programme (GRIP). The Working Group was formed in July 2024 and will deliver their work by the end of 2024.
The ISC Governing Board, in its meeting on 6 December 2023, agreed to establish a Board Working Group to discuss needs and opportunities for a broad ISC initiative in the area of inequality research and intervention.
In considering an extension of the agreement with the University of Bergen hosted Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP), the Governing Board concluded that there was a need for an international initiative that takes a broader approach to inequality research and engages with a more diverse range of disciplinary perspectives, as well as with scholars in the Global South. A Board Working Group is therefore being established to advise the Governing Board on future action in the domain of inequality.
- Karina Batthyany (chair) – CLACSO & University of the Republic, F, Latin America
- Sawako Shirahase, United Nations University, F, Asia
- Don Kalb, GRIP – University of Bergen, M, Europe
- Haroon Bhorat, University of Cape Town, M, Africa
- Collin Tukuitonga, University of Auckland, M, Pacific
- Joyeeta Gupta, University of Amsterdam, F, Europe/Asia
For any queries, please contact Sarah Moore [email protected].
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