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Lessons learned from Covid-19 for the Science-Policy-Society Interface

The collective global experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine the relationship between science, policy and wider society in what is often called the science-policy-society interface(s). Kristiann Allen, University of Auckland, New Zealand and the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) explore the lessons learned during the pandemic and provide six recommendations moving forward.


a labyrinth with people

What would a 3°C warmer world mean for Australia?

ISC Member the Australian Academy of Science recently released a landmark climate change report examining what 3°C warming would mean for the world's driest inhabited continent, and calling upon the Australian Government to accelerate Australia’s transition to net zero emissions.


Statement on protecting human rights and scientific freedom in Myanmar

The ISC has grave concerns about the recent human rights violations in Myanmar, including violence against peaceful protestors at educational institutions. Beyond the distressing loss of life and deprivation of human rights, the ISC is deeply concerned about the future of the scientific community in Myanmar.


Restructuring the food system after COVID-19

The ISC-IIASA Resilient Food Systems report looks at the vulnerabilities in the food system and recommends changes to move forward through COVID-19 recovery plans that prioritize society’s least protected.


Illustration of food systems

Seven principles for scientific publishing

The many issues with modern scholarly publishing raise fair concerns whether the system delivers on its expectation to effectively record and communicate the fruits of scientific endeavour to the public.


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