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Call for consultants: Artificial Intelligence in the context of international science | deadline: 10 February

The ISC is seeking an individual or agency to provide consulting services on artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impacts on science systems. Deadline for applications: 10 February 2025.

The International Science Council (ISC) works at the global level to catalyse change by convening scientific expertise, advice and influence on issues of major importance to both science and society.   

The ISC is an international non-governmental organization with a unique global membership that brings together 250 international scientific unions and associations, national and regional scientific organizations including academies and research councils, international federations and societies, and young academies and associations.    

Background and objectives 

The International Science Council launched the Centre for Science Futures in May 2023 with the mandate to provide thought-leadership on transformations that impact the future of science systems. The Centre released a paper on preparedness for integrating AI in national research ecosystems in March 2024 titled “Preparing National Research Ecosystems for AI: Strategies and progress in 2024 “.  Based on this work, the Centre received a grant of over one million Canadian dollars from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada to expand this project and delve deeper into AI, emerging technologies and their impact on science systems. Four work packages under this grant have been established under the project title ‘Science Systems Futures’.  

In the discussions related to the paper on national research ecosystems for AI, recurrent issues emerged. These included the type of AI models and algorithms, ranging from Large Language Models to Machine Learning and Deep Learning; another was the lack of concern for and knowledge of the sustainable use of AI; while a third related to the opportunities to use AI to contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Centre is therefore exploring these three issues in more detail.   

Team structure 

The ISC Science Systems Futures (SSF) core team is based entirely at the ISC. The team benefits from strategic guidance by an external Advisory Council to the Science Systems Futures project. 

Through its previous work, the Science Systems Futures project is connected with over 60 global experts, mostly in the policy-for-science area, working on AI. These experts will be provide a useful sounding board for the work, and may also be provide input where relevant.  

Services required 

The consultant will develop the outline, content and full written paper, with references, for three technical papers on AI for Science.  

The papers are expected to be short (less than 10 pages), and their goal is to help leaders of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) organizations and policy-makers understand the issues for science and science policy around AI. These are not policy recommendations, but should serve as a reference to help shape policies. If an angle needs to be taken, it should be taken in a way that provides value for leaders in STI in the Global South. 

Content development 

The three papers on AI for Science:  

  1. Types of AI, and how they are used in science, for example: 
    • Machine learning, including supervised, unsupervised, deep learning and large language models,
    • Generative (adversarial) vs Predictive AI
    • What are Models and how are they developed? 
    • Reasoning and AI 
    • Distributed AI/learning
    • Some case studies or examples across the natural and social sciences 
  2. AI and sustainability, which may include:
    • Hardware footprints in terms of raw materials, production energy
    • Algorithm energy and water usage
    • Model training energy, water usage and human input
  3. Data for AI for Science, which may include:
    • Preparing scientific data to be AI-ready
    • Open science and AI in Science, etc.

For each of these papers, an advisory committee will set up (by the SSF project team). This committee will advise the consultant in terms of content covered, and angle taken, to ensure that the papers respond to the goal of the SSF project. 

Papers preparation 

Full papers should be prepared by the consultant and shared with the advisory committees and the Science Systems Futures project team.  

A single round of consolidated feedback should be incorporated. Once this is done, all three papers will be sent for external review by the SSF core team. The consultant, in consultation with the SSF core team, will be expected to modify the papers in response to the external review, if required. 

The papers should be provided in digital, editable format. 

Visual design and layout services are not required. 

Indicative budget 

Indicative budget: 500-750 EUR/day depending on experience, based on an estimation of 10 days for each paper.  


Experience and expertise 

  • Demonstrable knowledge and experience across the thematic areas of the project (artificial intelligence as applied in science, data and sustainable computing). 
  • Demonstrated experience or knowledge of working with science organizations in the Global South. 
  • Experience in distilling information and consensus from groups of experts.  

Research and knowledge management 

  • Experience in knowledge gathering, recording, and synthesizing information into comprehensive reports. 

Project management 

  • Excellent organizational skills to handle consultations, knowledge gathering, and report preparation. 

Communication skills 

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English. 
  • Ability to facilitate and direct the discussion with international experts. 
  • Experience in presentation of results, advising on infographics, graphs or other visualisation aids (you will not be required to create these aids yourself) . 

Global South presence 

  • Ideally, the consultant is based in the Global South.  

Criteria for evaluation 

The ISC will assess offers on the following criteria:   

  • Project management capabilities  
  • Thematic expertise 
  • Written and oral communication skills
  • Relevant experience 
  • Knowledge management and reporting 
  • Methodology and work plan 
  • Cost effectiveness 


The detailed timeline of the scoping exercise, consultation with experts and drafting of the papers will be co-developed with the consultant.  

A tentative timeline is as follows: 

  • Publication of the call: 25 January 2025
  • Deadline for submissions: 10 February 
  • Review period: 24 February – 28 February 2025 
  • Commencement of services: March 2025 
  • March 2025: Establishing advisory committees and the submission of report outlines  
  • March – May 2025: Research and paper writing 
  • 1 June 2025: Submission of papers for external review 
  • 14 June 2025: Revision of papers 
  • July 2025: Publication 

How to apply 

Please apply by uploading your offer, in English, in one document, through the online form below. Your submission should contain the following, and should be a maximum of 6 pages in font no smaller than size 12: 

  • Introduction: a brief background of your work, highlighting your understanding of the project and summarizing your relevant experience and qualifications. 
  • Executive summary: A concise overview of your proposed approach, including methods, processes and a tentative timeline of action. 
  • Detailed proposal: 
    • Methodology: An explanation of the approach and methodologies you will use to achieve the project objectives. 
    • Work plan: A timeline of activities, including milestones and deliverables. 
    • Previous experience: Case studies, descriptions and outputs of similar projects completed, especially those related to digital transformation and work with STI organizations in the Global South.
  • Budget proposal: A breakdown of costs in accordance with section 2 of this document (Services and indicative budget). 
  • Supporting documents (optional): Any additional materials that support your proposal, such as certifications, awards, or additional examples of your past work. 

Submission form

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Introduction: a brief background of your work, highlighting your understanding of the project and summarizing your relevant experience and qualifications.

Executive summary: A concise overview of your proposed approach, including methods, processes and a tentative timeline of action.

Methodology: An explanation of the approach and methodologies you will use to achieve the project objectives.

Work plan: A timeline of activities, including milestones and deliverables.

Previous experience: Case studies, descriptions and outputs of similar projects completed, especially those related to AI and emerging technologies, data and work with STI organizations in the Global South.

Budget proposal: A breakdown of costs in accordance with the outlined services and indicative budget.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Any additional materials that support your proposal, such as certifications, awards, or additional examples of your past work.
Name and contact email/phone, project involvement
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

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