John Handmer will chair the Committee, replacing Shuaib Lwasa. Nisreen Daifallah Al-Hmoud, Alonso Brenes and Tiana Mahefasoa Randrianalijaoina also join the Committee.
Professor John Handmer, of RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Australia, has assumed the role of Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme.
John Handmer has been a member of the IRDR Scientific Committee since 2016. He has been a member of a number of Australian advisory bodies covering climate change adaption, disaster risk and resilience, and the National Vulnerablity Profile project. He played a leading role in the IPCC’s Special Report on Extremes, and as part of National Climate Change Adaption Research Facility (NCCARF). He led the network on Emergency Management and co-authored the Australian National Climate Change Adapation Research Plan for Emergency Management. His group at RMIT was one of 20 cases nationally selected for its impact on policy and practice by the Excellence in Innovation for Australia 2014 report. He also received the 2016 RMIT “Vice Chancellor’s Research Award for Impact” for his work on the human dimensions of disaster risk.
The IRDR Scientific Committee also has three new members:
Dr Shuaib Lwasa, Dr Ann Bostrom and Dr Irasema Alcantara-Ayala have completed their duties as members of IRDR Scientific Committee and will step down. IRDR and the IRDR International Project Office (IPO) thank the outgoing Committee members for their contributions to the IRDR mission and to the scientific efforts towards the implementation of the Sendai Framework, and look forward to continuing to work together in the IRDR community.
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