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Latest updates on the launch of the International Science Council

With just three weeks to go until the merger, here is everything you need to know in preparing for the 3-5 July launch events.

The final nominations for the new Council’s Governing Board were announced

Following a call for nominations held in early 2018, a final list of candidates for the Governing Board of the International Science Council was published on 5 June 2018.

Download the final list of candidates.

In accordance with the Statutes and Rules of Procedure, this final list comprises 74 candidates, including:

  • The candidates shortlisted by the Elections Committee after the first round of nominations, as communicated to Members on 5 March (37 in total);
  • All candidates not shortlisted in the first round and re-submitted in the second round of nominations in May (13 in total);
  • All new nominations made in the second round of nominations in May (24 in total).

The nomination forms of all candidates can be accessed here.

On July 4th, the members of the International Science Council will elect the first Governing Board and Officers, including a President, from this list of nominations.

For the full set of background documents to the merger, go to our merger Gitbook.

Electronic General Assembly approves the merger treaty

The last hurdle to achieve the merger between ICSU and the ISSC was cleared last month when the members of both organizations formally approved the merger treaty at an electronic General Assembly. The final results were:

from ISSC:

  • YES: 93.94%
  • NO: 3.03%
  • Abstention: 3.03%

from ICSU:

  • YES: 100%
  • NO: 0%
  • Abstention: —

This means that the merger will go ahead and the two organizations will become one according to French law on July 1, 2018.

Registration is still open for the General Assembly and launch event
If you are representing an ICSU or ISSC member and have not yet registered for the General Assembly on July 3-4, please do so online now.

The founding of the International Science Council will also be celebrated with a Science Day featuring leading scientists showcasing the range of issues the new organization will be working on. The programme will include addresses by high-level representatives of the French government and the United Nations, as well as by the first President of the International Science Council.

The event will take place in the Maison des Océans in central Paris and is open to the public, however you will also need to register online in order to have access to the venue.

If you can’t make it to Paris for the launch event, it will also be streamed live on our Youtube channel. Note that this applies only to the launch event on July 5th, not to the General Assembly on July 3-4. You can also follow live on our Twitter hashtag #ISClaunch.

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