Empowering science organizations to harness digital potential and navigate transformative change.
To respond to the critical existential threats that humanity is facing, scientific organizations must be robust and agile to ensure that science is strong and relevant. But the nature, scope and breadth of what an organization is and does changes as technology and culture change. This is particularly true in the digital era.
So – what does ‘digital’ mean? And how can we empower the scientific community to harness its potential?
The ISC started exploring these questions in 2022, in consultation with its Members, which culminated in a practical report ‘Science organizations in the digital age’. It serves as both a current reflection of the digital status in the science community and a guide for organizations embarking on their digital transition journeys.
Science organizations in the digital age
The discussion paper synthesizes findings from a broad survey, detailed interviews, and case studies involving ISC Members. It serves as both a current reflection of the digital status in the science community and a guide for organizations embarking on their digital transition journeys.
View discussion paperThe Phase II of the project seeks to build on these lessons and create support mechanisms tailored specifically to science organizations in the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
As part of it, eleven ISC Members engage in a four-month digital journey, guided by experts and supported by a community of peer changemakers. Their experiences will inform the recommendations and the support mechanisms the ISC will produce for the wider community in 2025.
The Phase II is carried out with the aid of a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, to the ISC’s Centre for Science Futures. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of IDRC or its Board of Governors.