Livestreaming will be provided for most of the sessions. The livestream links will be made available under each session in the event programme below closer to the event.
26 January 2025
09:00–17:30 REGISTRATION
Please pick up your name badge at the registration desk.
14:00-17:00 Freedom and Responsibility in Science
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom A
This knowledge-sharing event aims to discuss region-specific trends, challenges, and opportunities for collaboration around freedom and responsibility in science in the Middle East and North African region and between the global ISC membership. Through roundtable and interactive discussions, the workshop will discuss related initiatives, identify members’ priority concerns and explore how the ISC, it’s member and related networks can support and promote the free, ethical and equitable conduct of science throughout the region and globally.
Chair: Quarraisha Abdool Karim, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
- Saja Al Zoubi, Global Young Academy; Saint Mary’s, University of Oxford
- Emily Borzcik, International Institute of Education – Scholar Rescue Fund
- Rana Dajani, Hashemite University Jordan
- Amina Hamshari, UNESCO Doha
- Ilyas Saliba, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) Berlin
- Seteney Shami, Arab Council for the Social Sciences
- Vivi Stavrou, International Science Council
- Konstantinos Tararas, UNESCO Paris
Background reading
- ISC discussion paper A contemporary perspective on the free and responsible practice of science in the 21st century
- ISC working paper Protecting Science in Times of Crisis
Other related ISC resources
- ISC Principles of Freedom and Responsibility in Science
- The right to participate in and benefit from science
- ISC Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
Members’ and partners’ resources
- UNESCO’s 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers
- UNESCO Programme and Call to Action on the Freedom and Safety of Scientists
- Statement on academic freedom – International Geographical Union (IGU)
14:00-17:00 Science is social: increasing the role and visibility of the social sciences in sustainable development policy and practice
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 8+9
This workshop will explore how ISC can help strengthen the role social sciences play in the current policy landscape at national and multilateral levels and how members can collaborate, exchange ideas and lessons in this area.
The discussion will address the following questions with a focus on potential next steps:
- How can barriers to the contribution of social sciences to sustainability policy and practice be addressed?
- How can ISC bring more value to our social science members? How to strengthen the involvement and visibility of our social science members and experts in ISC’s work, including in providing expertise for sustainability policy advice?
- How can our social science members collaborate with each other and with the ISC (collaborative research projects, capacity building workshops and knowledge exchange events, collaborative publications for example)? What are the potential concrete ideas for next steps in this regard?
Chair: Sawako Shirahase
- Craig Calhoun, Arizona State University (remote)
- Moushira Elgeziri, Arab Council for the Social Sciences
- Pablo Vommaro, Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO)
- Wiparat De-ong, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
- Francis Akena, Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa (SASA)
- Dhananjay Singh, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
14:00-17:00 Leveraging the ISC membership to strengthen science advice to policy
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom B
With a focus on case studies and practitioners’ insights, this session will provide a forum for ISC Members to share their experience of working at the science-policy interface and strategize on opportunities to strengthen scientific advice to policy-makers from the national to the global levels.
Chairs: Mobolaji Oladoyin Odubanjo (Nigerian Academy of Science) and Margaret Spring (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
- Salim Abdool Karim, CAPRISA & ISC Governing Board
- Christian Acemah, International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) Africa
- Markus J. Prutsch, European Parliament & Global Young Academy
- Rémi Quirion, International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA)
- Brigitte Khoury, International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS)
- Anne-Sophie Stevance and James Waddell, International Science Council
Background reading
Members’ resources
- Global assessment report “International Forest Governance: A critical review of trends, drawbacks, and new approaches” – International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
- Policy brief “International Forest Governance: A critical review of trends, drawbacks, and new approaches” – International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
14:00-17:00 Data policy and skills in a rapidly changing world
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 10+11
Open science is facing a major test with the emergence of generative AI, placing greater stress on the principles of transparency and reproducibility. What are the current and emerging policy and technical responses? With greater emphasis needed on data quality, what are the skills required of scientists and data specialists? In this session ISC Members will be invited to discuss the challenges, policy responses and explore how they can collaborate on practical responses, including skills development with Early-Career Researchers.
Chair: Simon Hodson, ISC Committee on Data (CODATA)
09:00–17:00 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 12
Coordinator: Dureen Samandar Eweis
Invitation only
09:00–17:00 Roundtable on Oman National Biotechnology Strategy
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 13+14
Contact: Fahad Al Zadjali
Invitation only
17:30-19:00 ISC GeoUnions meeting
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 8+9
Invitation only
17:30-19:00 Meeting of the liaison committee of the ISC Regional Focal Point for LAC
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Room 10+11
Invitation only
27 January 2025
08:00–09:30 REGISTRATION
Please pick up your name badge at the registration desk.
09:30–11:00 Official Opening
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
Moderator: Melissa Hogenboom, BBC
- E. Prof. Rahma Al-Mahrooqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- Sir Peter Gluckman, ISC President
Keynote speeches
- Csaba Kőrösi, President of the 77th United Nations General Assembly
- Ruth Morgan, Director of the University College London Centre for the Forensic Sciences
Panel discussion
- Salim Abdool Karim, Director, CAPRISA, & ISC Vice-President for Membership
- Irina Bokova, ISC Patron, former UNESCO Director-General
- Abdulsalam Al Murshidi, President, Oman Investment Authority; ISC Global Commissioner
- Muneer Eldesouqi, President of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
11.00–11.30 BREAK
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
11.30–13.00 Rethinking International Science Collaboration for the 21st Century
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
This session will explore the importance of science as a truly global endeavour, the current challenges to international science collaboration along with the need to re-imagine how we progress in this area.
Chair: Lidia Brito, Assistant Director-General Natural Sciences, UNESCO
- Quarraisha Abdool Karim, President, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
- Saif Al-Hiddabi, Undersecretary of Research and Innovation, Sultanate of Oman
- Macharia Kamau, Ambassador and Special Envoy, East Africa Community Facilitator on DRC
- Seteney Shami, Director, Arab Council of Social Sciences (ACSS)
- Teatulohi (Lohi) Matainaho, President, Pacific Academy
- Mark Walport, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society UK
- Nathalie Lemarchand, Université Paris 8, International Geographical Union (IGU)
13.00–14.30 LUNCH
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
14.30–16.00 Parallel session I – Transforming science: open science, research assessment, science publishing
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom A
Science systems are in need of urgent reform to enhance transparency, efficiency, inclusion and integrity. This session will explore key priorities and actions towards this in the areas of open science, research assessments and publishing.
Chair: Geoffrey Boulton, Edinburgh University & ISC Governing Board
- Mohammed Al Badi, Arab Open University
- Priya Bondre-Beil, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- David Castle, World Data System (WDS)
- Sarah de Rijcke, University of Leiden
- Graciela Diaz de Delgado, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
- Asja Prohic, Springer Nature
- Ana Persic, UNESCO
Members’ resources
- A new research assessment towards a socially relevant science in Latin America and the Caribbean – (Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO-FOLEC Latin American Forum on Research Assessment)
- Promoting bibliodiversity and defending multilingualism – (Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO-FOLEC Latin American Forum on Research Assessment)
14.30–16.00 Parallel session II – Ocean science for sustainability
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom B
The session will highlight the ocean dimension of sustainability and explore the ocean-related work of the ISC. It will develop a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities they face and identify shared priorities for joint action.
Chairs: Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel & ISC Governing Board; and Mia Strand, Nelson Mandela University
Keynote speakers
- Mia Strand, Nelson Mandela University
- Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia
- Felix Bast, Central University of Punjab
- Sergey A. Dobretsov, Sultan Qaboos University
- Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, CNRS & Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)
- Teatulohi Matainaho, Pacific Academy
- Maria Paradiso, University of Naples & ISC Governing Board
14.30–16.00 Parallel session III – The changing context for science diplomacy
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
The session will reflect on the changing context for science diplomacy and present a discussion paper on the role of the ISC in science diplomacy.
Chairs: Luis Sobrevia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile & ISC Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean Liaison Committee and Frances Colón, American Progress
- Salim Abdool Karim, CAPRISA & ISC Governing Board
- Yousuf Al Bulushi, GU Tech
- Anna-Maria Arabia, Australian Academy of Sciences
- Chagun Basha, Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India
- Vaughan Turekian, US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Background reading
16.00–16.30 BREAK
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
16.30–17.30 Announcement of the Pilot Science Missions for Sustainability
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
The selected Pilot Science Missions for Sustainability will be announced, with reflection on the urgent need to transform how we perform and fund science for sustainability.
Chair: Salvatore Arico, ISC CEO
- Irina Bokova, ISC Patron, ISC Global Commissioner
- Abdulsalam Al Murshidi, President, Oman Investment Authority, ISC Global Commissioner
- Macharia Kamau, Ambassador and Special Envoy, East Africa Community Facilitator on DRC; Oversight Committee, Science Missions for Sustainability
- Principal Investigators of Pilot Missions (to be announced)
- Gilbert de Gregorio, Frontiers Planet Prize
18.00-21.00 Reception
Location: Royal Opera House Muscat
Shuttle buses will depart from the OCEC at 18.15 and 18.30, returning at 21.30 (20 mins each way).
Please note the dress code for the evening reception as per the Royal Opera House Muscat policy: Formal or business including suits or dinner jackets for men. No exposed shoulders, or short dresses above the knees. Dishdasha and Massar required for Omanis. No jeans, cargo pants, t-shirts, or tennis shoes permitted.
28 January 2025
09:00–10:30 Emerging technologies and the evolution of science
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
This session will try to unpack the complex relationship between emerging technologies and science systems, where new opportunities co-exist with critical ethical concerns. It will include a panel discussion and open discussion with the audience, as well the announcement of the ISC Digital Journal pioneers.
Chair: Françoise Baylis, President-elect, Royal Society Canada, & ISC Governing Board
- Ali Al Shaithani, Undersecretary for Communications and Information Technology, Oman (TBC)
- Daniel Andler, Paris-Sorbonne University, Académie des sciences morales et politiques
- Marileen Dogterom, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
- Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist, WHO (TBC)
- Shohini Ghose, Chief Technology Officer, Quantum Algorithms Institute (remote)
- Anicia Peters, National Commission of Research, Science and Technology, Namibia
10:30–11:00 BREAK
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
11:00–12:30 Parallel session I – Artificial intelligence and its impact on science systems
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom A
With guided use of AI, there are wide opportunities to advance science. What are these opportunities and how are we preparing for them? The use of AI also raises concerns on impact on science and science processes. What are the most evident positive and negative impacts of AI for science? And how do we tackle these issues? This session will explore how AI is transforming science, its vast potential, and the challenges it poses to scientific integrity.
Chair: Ke Gong, Chinese Institute of the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategies; ISC Standing Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
- Sultan Al Yahyai, Code Academy Oman, Nama Supply Company
- Christina Zhang, Metaverse Institute & Advisory Council, ISC Centre for Science Futures
- Mariette Awad, AI, Science and Computing Hub at American University Beirut
- Siriurg Songsivilai, National Research Council of Thailand
Background reading
11:00–12:30 Parallel session II – The Decade of Science for Sustainability: The post-2030 agenda
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
The UN Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (2024 – 2033) provides an opportunity to sharpen our focus on how actionable science can contribute to the sustainability agenda. It also provides a bridge between the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals and any subsequent expression of the development agenda. This session will explore how the breadth of the ISC Membership will contribute to the Decade, and how it has the potential to shape our thinking and goals around the role of science in future sustainability agendas.
Chair: Mike Meadows, International Geographical Union (IGU)
- Lidia Brito, UNESCO
- Silvina Ponce Dawson, International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
- Daniel Muth, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Mia Strand, Nelson Mandela University
- Munther Al Busaidi, Vision 2024, Oman
- Nathalie Lemarchand, Université Paris 8, International Geographical Union (IGU)
- Edoardo Costantini, IUSS, Italy
- Georg Gartner, ICA, TU Wien
- Nadja Hajna, UIS, Slovenia
- Lena Halounova, ISPRS, Czech Technical University
- Thijs van Kolfschoten, INQUA, Leiden University
- Giuliano Manara, URSI, Italy
- Hassina Mouri, IUGS, University of Johannesburg
- Maria Paradiso, IGU, ISC Governing Board
Members’ resources
- Book “Mapping for a sustainable world” – International Cartographic Association (ICA) and United Nations
- JENA declaration (Humanities and Social Sciences for Sustainability – Cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability) – International Geographical Union (IGU)
11:00–12:30 Parallel session III – From barriers to breakthroughs: Shaping the future of gender equality in science
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom B
Although women represent a third of researchers globally, they make up only 12% of science academy members worldwide. This session will explore strategies to address this disparity, introducing the ISC-IAP-SCGES 2025 initiative aimed at improving women’s representation and participation in scientific organizations and showcasing successful partner-driven efforts in academies, unions and councils. Half of the session will be dedicated to an open discussion, inviting participants to share insights, discuss challenges, and provide feedback to help shape the initiative and foster a more inclusive and equitable future in science.
Chair: Catherine Jami, incoming ISC Board Member, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)/International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST)/Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES)
- Beatriz Caputto, Science Academy of Argentina & Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS)
- Javier García-Martínez, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Universidad de Alicante
- Palesa Sekhejane, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
- Tonya Blowers, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
12:30–14:00 LUNCH
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
14:00–15:30 Parallel session I – Science education for our future – building capacity for global challenges
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
How we educate and train scientists and researchers is key to our ability to address current and future existential challenges. This session will consider what the ISC and other stakeholders in the science system – science funders, policy makers, research institutions and scientists themselves – can and should do to promote a shift in the institutional environment and in higher-level education and training, to equip current and future scientists globally with the necessary skills and capacities to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. The aim of the session is to converge to a set of possible priorities for ISC action in the domain of science education.
Moderator: Heide Hackmann, Stellenbosch University
- Francis Akena Adyanga, Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa (SASA)
- Abdullah Ambusaidi, Sultan Qaboos University
- Anne-Teresa Birthwright, Belmont Forum
- Nathalie Fomproix, International Union for Biological Sciences (IUBS)
Background reading
14:00–15:30 Parallel session II – Polar science and the International Polar Year
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom A
Exploring how the International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-33 will reshape global scientific collaboration in the face of rapid climate and societal changes. This session will offer key insights into how polar science is addressing real-world challenges through interdisciplinary, cross-regional research. Participants will gain an understanding of how the IPY model can enhance the co-production of knowledge, drive actionable solutions, and set a blueprint for future international scientific cooperation to tackle global issues beyond the polar regions.
Co-Chairs: Mike Sparrow, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP); Johanna Grabow, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
- Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Arctic Circle
- Ramcharan Vijayaraghavan, Polar Educators International
- Paul Arthur Berkman, Founder, Science Diplomacy Centre, Inc.
- Mark Wuddivira, Caribbean Academy of Sciences (CAS)
- Merieme Chadid, International Astronomical Union (IAU)
- Anne Husebekk, Arctic University of Norway, ISC Governing Board
14:00–15:30 Parallel session III – Social cohesion and inequality
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Junior Ballroom B
This session will reflect on the need to focus on inequality as a central challenge of our times, look at the current state of inequality research including gaps that need attention for science to play an effective role in addressing this global concern.
Chair: Don Kalb, GRIP, University of Bergen
- Karina Batthyany, CLACSO & ISC Governing Board
- Craig Calhoun, Arizona State University (remote)
- Pedro Conceicao, UNDP
- Maretta Kula-Semos, Pacific Academy
- Kathryn Robinson, Australian National University
Members’ resources
- Work on Global Health Inequalities – The Academy of Medical Sciences (United Kingdom)
- Workshop report on “Global Health inequalities: research for a fairer future” – The Academy of Medical Sciences (United Kingdom) and IAP
- Statement “Global Health Inequalities: Research for a fairer future” – The Academy of Medical Sciences (United Kingdom) and IAP
15:30–16:00 BREAK
Please feel invited to visit the exhibition spaces located inside the Exhibition Hall.
16:00–17:30 Beyond borders: Science, public trust & multilateral policy
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
The final plenary session will debate science as a universal endeavour can be positive force to bridge across divides and foster trust and collective action on shared global challenges and set the scene for the ISC’s work in the years to come.
Chairs: Anna-Maria Arabia, Executive Director of the Australian Academy of Sciences, and Peggy Oti-Boateng, Executive Director of African Academy of Sciences
Keynote: Hugo Mercier, research director in cognitive science at the CNRS (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)
- Abdul Moneam Al Hasani, Former Minister of Information, Oman; Professor of Communication at SQU
- Robbert Dijkgraaf, ISC president-elect, former Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands
- Luisa Fernanda Echeverría King, Director of Diplomacy and International Scientific Cooperation, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Colombia
- Sir Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist of the World Health Organisation
- H.E. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Chair of the Arctic Circle, former President of Iceland
- Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Chair of The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement and Chair of the Board of the Villars Institute Foundation
17.30–18.00 Closing and Muscat Declaration
Location: Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), Exhibition Hall 1
- H.E. Prof. Rahma Al-Mahrooqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Oman
- Sir Peter Gluckman, ISC President
18:00–22:00 GALA DINNER
Location: Al Bustan Palace, Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Shuttle buses will depart from the OCEC from 18.15 and 18.30, returning at 22.00 (50 minutes each way).
Muscat Global Knowledge Dialogue ISC Programme Committee
- Karina Batthyány
- Maria Paradiso
- Sawako Shirahase
- Martin Visbeck
- Vanessa McBride
- Yousuf Al-Bulushi
More information on the Third ISC General Assembly (29 – 30 January).