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Strategy, planning and review

ISC Activity and Achievement Report

The 2021–2024 period was one of profound global challenges and transformations, with science playing a pivotal role in addressing crises and shaping pathways for a more sustainable future. This Activity and Achievement Report reflects how the ISC navigated this dynamic landscape, reinforcing its commitment to advancing science as a global public good.

Guided by its 2022–2024 Action Plan, the ISC worked to address emerging opportunities and challenges while fostering collaboration across regions, disciplines, and sectors. Through adaptability, innovation, and strengthened partnerships, the ISC has demonstrated its dedication to ensuring that science informs policy and contributes meaningfully to solving the complex issues facing humanity.

As we reflect on this period, the report provides a snapshot of the ISC’s ongoing efforts to empower its Members, engage diverse stakeholders, and advocate for the central role of science in building a more equitable and resilient world.

The report complements the annual reports of 2021, 2022 and 2023, which are more detailed in their description of related projects and initiatives.

Activity and Achievement Report: October 2021 to December 2024

Cover photograph: VDCM image

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