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INGSA 2024: Science advisors of the world united

As INGSA is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary conference in Rwanda, Rémi Quirion and David Budtz Pedersen reflect on the role of research, knowledge, and expertise in advancing evidence-based solutions. From climate change to pandemics and artificial intelligence, experts and researchers are needed as advisors to governments.


Salvatore Aricò on science advice at the United Nations

How might the future of science advice look at the global level? Will the establishment of a UN Group of Friends on Science for Action be the catalyst that elevates science advice to the highest levels of multilateral decision-making, and how will this complement the Secretary-General’s renewed scientific advisory board? And what should the role of the international science community be? In this episode, Dr Salvatore Aricò, chief executive of the International Science Council, shares his experience and his vision with Toby Wardman, drawing on practical examples to illustrate how such science advice mechanisms work in practice.


Our most popular stories from 2021

Our top-10 list is, unsurprisingly, full of stories about COVID-19 - but there is also space for persevering women scientists, a fight to combat discrimination and bring more diversity in science, and transformations towards a more sustainable, resilient world. Read on.


Lessons learned from Covid-19 for the Science-Policy-Society Interface

The collective global experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine the relationship between science, policy and wider society in what is often called the science-policy-society interface(s). Kristiann Allen, University of Auckland, New Zealand and the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) explore the lessons learned during the pandemic and provide six recommendations moving forward.


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