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Contextualizing open science

Sujatha Raman shares insights and ideas from her recent OECD 2024 talk on making open science a reality for the benefit of society.


INGSA 2024: Science advisors of the world united

As INGSA is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary conference in Rwanda, Rémi Quirion and David Budtz Pedersen reflect on the role of research, knowledge, and expertise in advancing evidence-based solutions. From climate change to pandemics and artificial intelligence, experts and researchers are needed as advisors to governments.


Putting science on the agenda for post-crisis recovery

At the UNESCO Symposium on "Rebuilding Scientific Ecosystem in Ukraine," Vivi Stavrou, ISC Senior Science Officer and Executive Secretary of the ISC Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS), stressed the necessity of a global framework to protect science during crises. She introduced the ISC's report, "Protecting Science in Times of Crisis," advocating for a coordinated and proactive response from the scientific community.


Science in Times of Crisis: Lessons from Fukushima and WWII

Collective ‘memory’ is one way to ensure that past mistakes in the evolution of science systems are not repeated after a crisis, disaster or conflict according to a University of Tokyo historian who has contributed to the ISC Science Futures report: Protecting Science in Times of Crisis.


Crisis-ready science: a framework for proactive and resilient sector

In an era marked by escalating geopolitical conflicts, the sanctity and resilience of the global scientific community have never been more crucial. This report, "Protecting Science in Times of Crisis: How do we stop being reactive and become more proactive?" emerges at a critical juncture, addressing the urgent need to protect scientists, academics, and educational institutions increasingly targeted in various global crises.


Assessing the support offered to displaced Ukrainian scientists

A new report by #ScienceForUkraine quantifies and assesses the adequacy of the support mechanisms in meeting the needs of displaced Ukrainian scientists. The study also explores implications for policymakers and scientific institutions for the effective design and implementation of support programmes aimed at scientists in times of crisis.


Early-career researchers’ insights on climate

This blog launches the collective blog series, "Amplifying the Voices of Young Scientists", based on interviews with Early and Mid-Career Researchers across various disciplines hailing from around the world.


saudi arabia horizon at night
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