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International Council for Science issues an advisory note on the issue of gender-based harassment in the practice of science

<p>On the occasion of the <a href="">International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women</a>, the International Council for Science calls for more effective strategies to promote gender equality and equitable access to all resources in the practice of science, notably in the area of field research, and to remove barriers to the full participation in science by women.</p>


Science International to agree international accord on open data

<p>Science International is a new coalition of the major international science bodies – ICSU, the <a href="">InterAcademy Partnership</a> (IAP), <a href="">The World Academy of Sciences</a> (TWAS), and the <a href="">International Social Science Council</a> (ISSC) – to bring its members’ combined international representation and credibility to act as a single global voice for science in the international policy arena. At its first meeting, to be held from 7-9 December in Pretoria, South Africa, the participating institutions will discuss the topic of big data/open data.</p>


Industry-academia partnerships

<p>In November 2011, more than 50 academic and business leaders came together for 4 days at the <a href="">Sigtuna Foundation</a>, near Stockholm, Sweden. They represented a broad range of disciplines, industries and countries with the common aim of promoting effective partnerships between academia and industry for the greater benefit of society.</p>


Advisory Note on access to shared data to reduce global inequality

<p>A recent Advisory Note of the ICSU <a href="">Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science</a> (CFRS) aims to help scientists in developing countries contribute effectively to scientific progress and reduce the brain drain of scientists from developing to developed countries.</p>


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