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Transformations to Sustainability: Key activities from 2020

It has been a challenging but nevertheless productive year for the Belmont Forum-NORFACE Transformations to Sustainability programme, which supports solutions-oriented research for sustainability led by social scientists and jointly produced with societal stakeholders.


The “How” of transformation

In late November 2020 a UNFCCC climate research dialogue examined the state of scientific knowledge on moving towards net zero global anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and building resilience to the unavoidable impacts and risks of climate change. Karen O’Brien, of the University of Oslo and cCHANGE, spoke about how to accelerate action for results on climate change through engaging with the practical, political, and personal spheres of transformation. This blog is based on the presentation given as part of the research dialogue.


Transformation to Sustainability: Integrating Indigenous and Western knowledge systems for water management and governance

<span>Integrating Indigenous worldviews into natural resource management can offer alternative solutions to restore degraded ecosystems. A new 'knowledge brief' from the Transformations to Sustainability programme explores how Western and Indigenous knowledge systems can coexist and be integrated for more sustainable water management. In this blog, ISC intern Husam Ibrahim takes a closer look at the issues.</span>


Learning from COVID-19 and building more resilient food systems

During the ‘Transformations within reach: Resilient food systems‘ webinar, representatives from academia and governments discussed the observed and expected near-term impacts of the pandemic on the food system, and highlighted key entry points towards greater resilience and sustainability. ISC intern Husam Ibrahim explores these issues on World Food Day, celebrated every year on 16 October.


Transformative research in times of disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken to control its spread are affecting all of the research projects funded through the Transformations to Sustainability programme, but researchers are finding new ways to continue their transdisciplinary projects, and the crisis is sparking new thinking about transformative processes and sustainability in times of disruption.


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