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4th African Science Plans Steering Committee Meeting and Proposal Writing Workshop

<p>The African Science Plans Steering Committee (ASPSC) of ICSU ROA held its fourth meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa on 4th December 2017, attended by 10 out of its 12 members. The meeting discussed and reviewed outlines of thematic area project concepts to be considered during a Proposal Writing Workshop that followed in the next two days. Members also strategized on their participation in the Science Forum South Africa on the 8th of December where they would be holding a Special Session on Implementation of the Africa Science Plans. The Committee also took time off to reflect on its roles, including promoting of collaborative research on the continent across disciplines.</p>


INGSA-Africa Chapter Holds Pre-AMASA 13 Learning Collaborative Workshop in Abuja, Nigeria.

<p>A 2-day Learning Collaborative Workshop designed to inform participants on science advice for policy making at all levels of government was held in Abuja, Nigeria from 13 to 14 November 2017. Coordinated by the Nigerian Academy of Science (NAS) in collaboration with the Africa Chapter of the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA-Africa), the workshop brought together participants mainly from various Academies of Science in Africa and grantees of the Sida-funded ICSU programme on Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa (LIRA 2030).</p>


19th Meeting of the ICSU Regional Committee for Africa held in Durban, South Africa

<p>The ICSU Regional Committee for Africa (ICSU RCA) held its 19th meeting in Durban, South Africa from 19 to 20 September 2017. The meeting which was attended by all but two members, reviewed and made input into the proposed programmes and activities of the ICSU Regional Office for Africa for the last half of the financial year ending March 2018.</p>


Deadly Landslides in Africa: Time for Action

<p>The International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa (ICSU-ROA) and the whole geohazard team would like to express its deep sorrow to the people affected by the recent deadly landslides in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).</p>


Science Seminar held in Lusaka, Zambia

<p>The ICSU Regional Office for Africa (ROA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Zambia and the Mulungushi University, organised a 1-day Science Seminar in Lusaka, Zambia, on 15 March 2017. The Seminar was officially opened by the Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Prof Nkandu Luo.</p>


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