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Learning from COVID-19 and building more resilient food systems

During the ‘Transformations within reach: Resilient food systems‘ webinar, representatives from academia and governments discussed the observed and expected near-term impacts of the pandemic on the food system, and highlighted key entry points towards greater resilience and sustainability. ISC intern Husam Ibrahim explores these issues on World Food Day, celebrated every year on 16 October.


Why Science is at the heart of the COVID-19 Crisis

Josh Tewksbury, Interim Director of Future Earth, explores the structural risks that made a pandemic like COVID-19 nearly inevitable, including unplanned urbanization, not enough focus on ensuring communities are resilient, and a narrow band of economics that focuses on the pursuit of growth, destabilizing vital planetary systems. There are powerful lessons learned, including our ability to work together, and fundamentally change our systems for a more equitable world.


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