
Koi Tū, the virus and the future

ISC President-elect Peter Gluckman considers what lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has for how science interacts with policy and with society.


Women in leadership: addressing equal gender representation in political science

Contending with the structural roots of gender inequality is imperative in accomplishing UN Sustainable Development Goal 5. Empowering more women leaders across different regions and disciplines will not only strengthen and accelerate scientific research but also policies and legislation. Vice-President and Special Representative for Gender and Diversity of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Professor Yasmeen Abu-Laban, (University of Alberta, Canada) speaks about IPSA’s initiatives for equal gender representation within the sphere of political science.


Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences – led by women, advancing women

Achieving global gender parity has been a slow process - particularly across certain scientific disciplines, which have remained consistently male dominated. In the run-up to International Women’s Day on 8th March, we speak to José van Dijck at The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, who led an initiative to ensure that qualified women have a place at the Academy.


TROP ICSU – Climate Change Education Across the Globe

We are proud to have funded TROP ICSU - a project aimed at integrating climate change education into the formal education system, globally equipping the next generation with key skills and knowledge for climate change adaptation and mitigation.


The science of love

Love is dreamy and abstract. The powerful, whimsical emotion seems worlds away from cold, hard scientific facts. Let’s take a look at what’s actually happening in the brain when the two meet.


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