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The triumphs and trials of transdisciplinary research: reflections on the un-disciplining of disciplines

<p>The International Science Council led a parallel session on transdisciplinary research at the recent Sida Science Days in Stockholm, May 2019. Presentations from two programmes – Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) and Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa (LIRA 2030 Africa) – were profiled at both the programme level as well as the project level. Dr Zarina Patel reflects on the session.</p>


News from LIRA2030: Seedbeds of Transformation conference, South Africa

<p>As part of the LIRA 2030 programme’s commitment to support grants awarded to 11 collaborative research projects across Africa in 2018, a group of 22 researchers took part in a week-long set of activities before and during a 3-day scientific conference organized by Future Earth from 9-11 May in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.</p> <p> </p>


World Urban Forum takes place in Kuala Lumpur

<p>From 6 – 13 February the global urban community will gather in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the 9th World Urban Forum, following up on the decisions taken at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador in 2016.</p>


The state of biodiversity in the regions: What to expect from the IPBES in 2018

<p>In this second part of our series explaining these mega-processes, we look at the newcomer to the big global environmental assessments: the International Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Created in 2012, with 127 member states, it is the leading international body for assessing biodiversity and ecosystem services.</p>


Brazilian Amazon Rainforest
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