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World Urban Forum takes place in Kuala Lumpur

From 6 – 13 February the global urban community will gather in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the 9th World Urban Forum, following up on the decisions taken at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador in 2016.

The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum will be the first session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III. WUF9 will be instrumental to substantively feed into the inputs for the first report of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

The New Urban Agenda was adopted in October 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador. It is a result of a unique consensus among all participating states and non-state actors. ICSU played a major role in ensuring the voice of the scientific community was part of that common vision and global standards for urban development.

In Kuala Lumpur, ICSU is partnering with a range of city actors to improve the collective knowledge of sustainable urban development, fostering exchange of urban solutions and good policies, through its programmes, networks, and regional offices.

Events at WUF9 that ICSU is partnering or participating in:

Exhibition Special Panel Discussion: Fostering urban science for policy Friday 9 February 11.00-12.00 (UNU Exhibition Space)

Stakeholder Roundtable: Research and Academia Saturday 10 February 9.00-11.00 (Banquet Hall)

Networking Event: Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda Sunday 11 February 2018 15:00-17:00 (Room 404)

Networking Event: Knowledge from and for all – Mobilizing Academia and Research for Environmentally Sustainable, Prosperous, and Resilient Urban Development Sunday 11 February from 15.00-17.00 (Room 304)

Networking Event: Science and the Future of Cities: Report from the UCL-Nature Sustainability Expert Panel Monday 12 February 2018 09:00-11:00 (Room 307)

Exhibition Special Panel Discussion: National Urban Policies – where are we now? Monday 12 February 11.30-12.30 (UNU Exhibition Space)

Networking Event: Cities and Science: Leveraging the knowledge-action network approach to implement the New Urban Agenda Monday 12 February from 14.00-15.00 (Room 405)

Follow our Science Officer @cebikeme on Twitter, who is following the event for ICSU.

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