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Science and society: key points from our Science as a Global Public Good paper

The vision of the ISC is of science as a global public good, but what does this mean for science and society? Our Science as a Global Public Good paper considers two main points in addressing this question which we will summarise in this blog: As a global public good, how does science respond to societal needs? And how is the social contract between science and society evolving?


Open science round-up: July 2022

The latest news on open science from around the world in the month of July, and events and opportunities coming up through August and September.


Open computer

Open science round-up: June 2022

In the second edition of our monthly feature, Jenice Goveas shares the latest news on open science from the month of June, and a brief overview of what to expect in the coming months.


Dish under starlit sky

Open science round-up: May 2022

In a new regular feature, Jenice Goveas shares the latest news on open science from the month of May and new opportunities for June and July.


open library

The African Open Science Platform begins to take shape

Expectations are high for the African Open Science Platform, which has just appointed its first Director and Deputy-Director. We heard from the new team about the plans for the Platform's first year of full operation, and how the ISC community can get involved.


Southern Africa from the International Space Station

Making open science a global reality

The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science is an important advance. Putting it into practice must involve creative engagement with the scientific community, writes ISC President Peter Gluckman.


The pandemic and the changing publishing scene in Africa

As the world is still grappling with the pandemic and its devastating effects, the need for rapid and affordable means of communicating and accessing scientific knowledge is strikingly apparent. Earlier this year the international scientific community, as represented by the ISC membership, recognized the need for a change through a resolution committing to work to reform scientific publishing. In this blog, we explore how Africa – similarly to the rest of the world – has adapted to the pressing realities of doing science in a pandemic by turning to preprints.


Key messages from the 2nd Open Science Conference

A new UN report, "In Praise of Open Science", stimulates discussions on the importance of Open Science and contributes to the global call for Open Science in the context of UNESCO’s upcoming general conference in November 2021.


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