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Open science round-up: May 2022

In a new regular feature, Jenice Goveas shares the latest news on open science from the month of May and new opportunities for June and July.


open library

Whose right is it anyway? Copyright and scholarly publishing

The question of who owns the copyright to scientific publications, such as journal articles, is complex and contested. Jenice Jean Goveas looks at the issue and considers some of the recent initiatives designed to support authors to retain rights to their published work.


Creative commons licensing

The pandemic and the changing publishing scene in Africa

As the world is still grappling with the pandemic and its devastating effects, the need for rapid and affordable means of communicating and accessing scientific knowledge is strikingly apparent. Earlier this year the international scientific community, as represented by the ISC membership, recognized the need for a change through a resolution committing to work to reform scientific publishing. In this blog, we explore how Africa – similarly to the rest of the world – has adapted to the pressing realities of doing science in a pandemic by turning to preprints.


Reforming publishing for more research integrity

In a thought-provoking new occasional paper published by the ISC, <i>Strengthening Research Integrity— the Role and Responsibilities of Publishing</i>, Michael Barber proposes two ‘modest, but significant’ reforms needed to improve research integrity.


Members of International Science Council commit to work for change in scientific publishing, and endorse eight principles for reform

As the 2021 Open Access week begins, the scientific community as represented by the International Science Council's members has approved a resolution committing to work to reform scholarly publishing, and to endorse eight fundamental principles for scientific publishing that contributes to the advancement of science as a global public good.


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