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Sustainable human development means living in harmony with nature

One of the most important aspects of rearticulating human development is to emphasize the need for fairness to nature and other living beings. We cannot be developed unless our lives become reconnected and in balance, cooperation and harmony with nature. A good balance between indigenous knowledge and modern science and technology can take us a long way towards this new vision of sustainable human development, says Yanfen Wang.


Crystallographers unite to tackle coronavirus

The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), an ISC Member, is collecting stories from across the world of how crystallographers are contributing to efforts to find a vaccine for COVID-19.


What’s the point of virus taxonomy?

Stuart Siddell and Andrew Davison of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), a Committee of ISC Member the International Union of Microbiology Societies, look at how viruses get their names, and why those names matter.


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