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Bridging the trust gap: scientific freedom and responsibility in Asia-Pacific

In the Asia-Pacific region, much like the rest of the world, science faces significant challenges, including declining scientific and academic freedom, and growing threats to scientists. To address these issues, the ISC Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) hosted a regional workshop during the ISC Global Knowledge Dialogue for Asia and the Pacific region in Kuala Lumpur.


Reviving public trust in science: new practices for 21st-century challenges

In an increasingly tense geopolitical landscape, science stands out as a universal language that facilitates coordinated action. However, when trust in science wavers, it weakens the foundation for cohesive global policy. How can the multilateral policy interface engage effectively with science in ways trusted by populations?


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Open science round-up: October 2023

The October 2023 Open Science Roundup is dedicated to International Open Access Week, a yearly celebration endorsing open access (OA) to scholarly output and creating a more equitable knowledge society. This month, we hear from Ginny Hendricks from Crossref on Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)


Kigali declaration pledges to bridge climate injustice

At the Kigali Summit, climate scientists have issued a resounding call to action, emphasizing the necessity of increasing funding, technology transfer, and data-sharing - placing scientists from the Global South at the forefront of regional and international climate research.


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