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AI for science: Insights from Asia-Pacific

In early October, the ISC Centre for Science Futures marked a pivotal moment in its most recent initiative on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Science, as 14 esteemed delegates and experts representing 12 countries, mostly from Asia-Pacific, assembled for a timely meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The event, organised with the support of the Australian Academy of Science, brought together thought leaders and experts who have a national mandate in reflecting on the implications of, and responses to AI for science. The delegates discussed and shared insights on the formulation of national approaches, priorities, identified issues and strategies in their countries.


From monsoon joy to fear: a climate crisis awakening

On the occasion of the WCRP Open Science Conference in Kigali, the International Science Council interviewed early-career climate researchers from the Global South to gather their perspectives in the lead-up to the Kigali declaration and COP 28.


Flooded street

One world, one climate: a planetary call to action

Ambassador Macharia Kamau, Member of the ISC Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability, urges the international community to close the North-South gap in scientific research on climate and strive towards a 'one world, one climate' approach for global and sustainable solutions to the climate crisis.


The dual burden of inequality and disaster-risk

On this International Day, we take a closer look at the link between inequality, disaster resilience, and the urgent need for equitable solutions. Join our discussion with Hélène Jacot des Combes, the new Project Manager at the International Science Council, as we discuss the complex dynamics at play between inequality and disasters.


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