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High time for action to reverse the decline and protect the ocean

Speaking at the One Ocean Summit, ISC Governing Board member Martin Visbeck called upon the international community to move from pledges to action on ocean protection. The ocean is currently under serious threat with climate change increasing sea levels and making the ocean warmer, more acidic and depleted in oxygen, compounded by the catastrophic impacts of overfishing, biodiversity decline and pollution from land.


Four humpback whales jumping out of the ocean

Celebrating women and girls who are leading the way in science and innovation

Join us in celebrating today the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day dedicated to remarkable women and girls around the world who are inventing the future and making the world a better place through the power of science. Female scientists who go beyond any barrier, forge new scientific paths and are at the forefront of achieving a much-needed gender equality in science.


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