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Call for expressions of interest to evaluate the “Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa” funding programme

Submit your expression of interest by 29 March 2022 (extended deadline).


Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa (LIRA) is a research funding programme that was launched in 2016 and implemented by the International Science Council in partnership with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), funded primarily by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The programme sought to increase the production of high-quality, integrated (inter- and transdisciplinary), solutions-oriented research on sustainable development across African cities and supported 28 collaborative transdisciplinary projects across Africa led by African early career scientists generating knowledge on sustainable urban development on the continent, in partnership with local authorities, industry, communities, and government.

Programme evaluation

📣 LIRA was concluded in December 2021 and the ISC is now seeking expressions of interest to carry out an independent final evaluation of the programme between March and October 2022.

The evaluation will consider how LIRA has performed against the objectives of the programme, identify key achievements, challenges and recommendations to be considered in the design and the implementation of similar research funding programmes in the future.

👉 Find more information regarding the call for expressions of interest in the Terms of Reference.

Call for expressions of interest

Should you wish to express interest in undertaking the evaluation of LIRA, please upload your expression of interest via the online form below by 29 March (extended deadline). Please note that we are looking for team proposals.

The evaluation should be undertaken by an evaluation team composed of at least three experts, including at least one from Africa. The evaluation process should be led by a senior consultant with high level of evaluation competence. The team should also have an understanding of science system realities as well as urban development issues in Africa.

Note: The evaluators must be independent from the evaluation object and evaluated activities and have no stake in the outcome of the evaluation.

Content of the expressions of interest

Expressions of interest must be submitted as a single pdf file by 29 March 2022 (extended deadline) containing the following elements:

  1. Cover letter explaining the motivation of the evaluation team
  2. Provisional methodology for the evaluation
  3. Relevant expertise of the team members and their roles in the evaluation
  4. Indicative budget with detailed breakdown and justification
  5. Short CV (max. 2 pages per document) of each team member

Online form to submit expressions of interest (by 29 March 2022 – extended deadline) to undertake the evaluation of the “Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa” research funding programme.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Senior Advisor to the CEO and President, Salvatore Arico.

Header photo by Rohan Reddy on Unsplash.

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