Position paper

Science as a Global Public Good

A position paper of the International Science Council

The International Science Council (ISC) is committed to a vision of science as a global public good. This vision has profound implications for the ways in which science is conducted and used, and the roles that it plays in society.

This ISC position paper considers those implications, exploring the ways they influence the responsibilities of scientists, both individually and collectively, and how they apply in the different settings in which science is practiced.

Science as a Global Public Good

Science as a Global Public Good

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Science as a Global Public Good is available in the following languages:

If you would like to assist the ISC in translating this important document into other languages to promote our vision to advance science as a global public good, please contact secretariat@council.science

Acknowledgements: The ISC would like to thank the The Science Council of Japan, the ISC Latin American and Caribbean regional focal point in Colombia, and Natalia Tarasova for their assistance with the translations.

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