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Why become a Member?

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The ISC Members are at the heart of the Council. Together, we are the global voice of science.

The ISC draws its strength and identity from its Members. Find below an overview of the benefits and value of ISC membership.

Membership benefits

Be part of a global voice for science

The ISC is the largest and only global science organization that brings together the disciplinary scientific organizations as well as national and regional science bodies from the natural and social sciences and the humanities to advance science as a global public good.

As an ISC Member, you might be able to join internal groupings of Members for further collaboration, for example the ISC Geounions, ISC European Members Group, or the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES).

Benefit from the ISC’s convening power

The ISC convenes the scientific expertise and resources needed to lead on catalysing, incubating and coordinating impactful international action on issues of major scientific and public importance.

Participate in the ISC activities

The ISC relies on its Members’ participation in delivering on its mission. Contribute to the development of priority actions and collaborate with us on our various projects and our work with Affiliated Bodies, and amplify your voice in how the scientific community responds to and provides actionable outcomes to global challenges.

Approve the priority agendas for the ISC

Full Members vote on decisions related to governance, finances and dues, scientific strategy, activities and changes to the Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

Chart the strategic direction of the ISC

Come together with all ISC Members every three years at the General Assembly to determine the priority agendas of the scientific work and the ISC governance.

Determine the composition of the ISC Governing Board

Nominate candidates for and elect the ISC Governing Board, which provides scientific leadership and enables delivery of the vision, mission, principles and values, as well as the financial and management robustness of the ISC.

Take up an advisory role for the ISC Governing Board

Nominate candidates to join ISC advisory bodies, including standing and ad-hoc committees, working groups and task forces on specific topics and key aspects of the ISC’s work and the Governing Board’s duties.

Advance science in your region

Work with our regional structures to develop and deliver global scientific strategy and action that has both regional resonance and global impact.

Support the ISC’s mandate at the United Nations

Through our Members, the ISC is uniquely placed to convene expertise and integrate science in the intergovernmental system, improving the science-policy interface at the global and regional levels, and playing an effective role in this enhanced global science-policy interface. The ISC is a lead coordinator of the UN Major Group for the Scientific and Technological Community and provides secretarial and evidentiary synthesis support to the UN Group of Friends on Science for Action. Through our many memoranda of understanding with UN agencies, our Members’ voices are integrated in major global policy processes (including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the New Urban Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction).

Harness global opportunities

Access information on international activities, funding and other opportunities for collaboration to advance your organization’s scientific priorities and interests.

Uphold and protect the freedom and responsibility in science

Stand with us and other Members by advocating the free and responsible practice of science. The Principle of Freedom and Responsibility in Science is embedded in the ISC Statutes as fundamental to scientific advancement and human and environmental wellbeing and we work towards upholding and protecting the freedoms that scientists should enjoy, and the responsibilities they carry, while engaging in scientific practice. The ISC stands ready to work with all ISC Members regarding their concerns related to scientific freedom or responsibility in science anywhere in the world, and all ISC Members are invited to signal, at any time, a respective case of concern.

Amplify your science

Connect with us on social media and let us know about your impact stories, events, job openings, podcasts and calls to action so we can share your messages, initiatives and opportunities with the ISC community via the ISC social media channels, the ISC newsletter and on the ISC science opportunities page and events page, or contribute a guest blog to the ISC homepage.

Get connected

Collaborate with other ISC Members on issues of common interest, find partner organizations for your projects and guest speakers for your next conference. We stand ready to facilitate your connection with relevant stakeholders and representatives from the ISC community.

Exchange knowledge

Support us in enhancing knowledge sharing and strengthening the relationship among the ISC membership by joining our regular membership dialogues in the frame of the ISC knowledge sharing sessions. The topics of this online event series range from Q&A sessions on ISC governance, consultations on ISC projects, informal discussions and workshops, and are targeted at all staff members, officer bearers and representatives of ISC Members.

Stay informed

A devoted membership liaison officer stands ready to answer your questions and ensures that Members receive the latest opportunities for collaboration and updates on ISC developments directly to their inbox (and optionally on their mobiles via WhatsApp) through weekly membership emails. The dedicated Membership Notice Board collates all membership updates, opportunities, ISC events and more relevant information for ISC Members. Connect with us in a bilateral video call to share more information on your projects, initiatives and current priorities for science, and learn more about our work and ongoing opportunities for collaboration at the ISC.

Become an ISC Member

Join an ever-increasing global membership that helps strengthen international science for the benefit of society, building the capacity to bring together and integrate scientific excellence and science-policy expertise from all fields of science worldwide.

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