United Europe: Widening R&I cooperation in times of war

A public Science|Business Network Conference (followed by a networking reception), featuring the launch of the new "Widening initiative" 12:00 - 15:15 UTC 14:00 – 17:15 CET
Add to Calendar 2022-09-07 14:00:00 UTC 2022-09-07 17:30:00 UTC UTC United Europe: Widening R&I cooperation in times of war A public Science|Business Network Conference (followed by a networking reception), featuring the launch of the new "Widening initiative" 12:00 - 15:15 UTC 14:00 – 17:15 CET https://council.science/events/europe-science-cooperation-war/

Mathieu Denis, ISC Acting CEO and Science Director will participate as a speaker. See the programme below.


Despite years of trying, and huge potential, eastern Europe still lags behind the west when it comes to research and innovation (R&I) performance. For example, just 5.7% of the EU’s previous framework programme, Horizon 2020, went to the region, causing significant political tensions. The European Commission sought to address this in part through Horizon Europe, with its “widening and strengthening” agenda – a €3.3 billion plan to broaden networks and cooperation platforms across the EU. In parallel, it set out a vision for a revitalised European Research Area, aiming to create a single market for R&I to help boost public and private investments and accelerate reforms in national systems and policies. The future seemed bright, despite the inevitable challenges of implementation that lay ahead.   

Then in February of this year, the world changed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The repercussions have spread throughout the international scientific community – and especially so in those central and eastern European (CEE) countries nearest to the conflict. In the short term, the crisis has sharpened minds and attention on the importance of solidarity, while raising vital longer-term questions of capacity-building, resilience and security in the region. With the war appearing unlikely to end anytime soon, how should R&I institutions – both in CEE and elsewhere in the world – plan for the future? What are the implications for industry and investors? Are there some clear, basic principles for scientific sanctions that the research world can adopt – in this, and all future cases of geopolitical tension? On the other hand, what can science diplomacy achieve? Can the Ukrainian situation accelerate lasting change and ultimately deliver the wider, stronger R&I landscape that European policy makers have been dreaming of?   


Times refer to CET

14:00 – 14:05Welcome and opening remarks

Maryline Fiaschi (moderator)
Chief Executive Officer, Science|Business
14:05 – 14:20Science and the war in Ukraine: The view from Kyiv

Olga Polotska
Executive Director, National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Richard L. Hudson (moderator)
Editor-in-Chief & Vice Chair of the Board
14:20 – 15:00Science and the war in Ukraine: Changing the geopolitics of R&D forever?

Olga Polotska
Executive Director, National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Yuko Harayama
Co-chair, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science; Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University

Mathieu Denis
Acting CEO & Science Director, International Science Council

Luc Soete
Emeritus Professor and former Rector, Maastricht University

Daan du Toit
Deputy Director-General, International Cooperation and Resources, South Africa Department of Science and Innovation

Richard L. Hudson (moderator) & Maryline Fiaschi (moderator)
Editorial Director & Vice Chair of the Board, Science|Business; Chief Executive Officer, Science|Business
15:00 – 15:35Bridging Europe’s R&I gap: What will be the keys to success beyond the conflict?

Jana Kolar
Chair, European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)

Barna Kovács
Secretary General, BIOEAST

Georgina Lupu Florian
Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Wolfpack Digital

Simon Pickard (moderator)
Network Director, Science|Business
15:35 – 16:00Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15Widening and strengthening: Is Europe united on the way forward?

Mariya Gabriel
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, European Commission

Ivars Ijabs
Member, European Parliament

Alain Beretz
President, COST Association

Kinga Stanisławska
Co-Founder, Experior Venture Fund; Member, EIC Board

Florin Zubașcu (moderator)
Executive Editor, Science|Business
17:15 – 18:30End of conference and networking reception
Add to Calendar 2022-09-07 14:00:00 UTC 2022-09-07 17:30:00 UTC UTC United Europe: Widening R&I cooperation in times of war A public Science|Business Network Conference (followed by a networking reception), featuring the launch of the new "Widening initiative" 12:00 - 15:15 UTC 14:00 – 17:15 CET https://council.science/events/europe-science-cooperation-war/
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