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Fifth International Conference for World Balance

“With all and for the good of all” - Dialogue of civilizations
Add to Calendar 2023-01-24 00:00:00 UTC 2023-01-28 00:00:00 UTC UTC Fifth International Conference for World Balance “With all and for the good of all” - Dialogue of civilizations Havana, Cuba

This world forum of plural and multidisciplinary thought is convened by the José Martí
Project for World Solidarity. Since 2003 this project has been supported by the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organization of
Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), and other international

The International Conferences FOR WORLD BALANCE have become important academic spaces in which hundreds of professors, social activists and intellectuals in general, from all latitudes of the planet, meet every three years to reflect on the main contemporary problems. On this occasion, this world meeting will be the culmination of a great commemorative journey organized from January 2022 to January 2023 and dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of José Martí, Apostle of the Independence of Cuba and universal thinker. As previous editions, the forum is also a continuity of the World Conferences Dialogue of Civilizations and an extension of the debates of the World Congress of Humanities held in Liege, Belgium, under the auspices of UNESCO and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences.

The Meeting will develop a comprehensive agenda that will include:

• Experiences derived from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
• The dialogue of civilizations and cultural diversity.
• The ecosystem and its defense.
• Role and challenges of social movements.
• Need for solidarity in the contemporary world.
• The urgent fight for peace and nuclear disarmament.
• The water problem in all its aspects.
• Risks and hopes of information and communications technologies (ICT).
• Fake news, ethics and social networks.
• Responsibilities of journalism in the present situation.
• Cultural policies and national identity.
• Arts and letters, particularly poetry, in the formation of a spirituality and a culture of resistance.
• Multilateralism as an indispensable mechanism for global balance.
• Analysis of the new correlation of global forces: rising actors.
• New paradigms for regional integration in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the
• Sustainable development and social equity.
• Hunger and food security.
• Education and human rights in the XXI century.
• The fight against all forms of discrimination.
• Gender equality in its true and real expression.
• Trade unions within the neoliberal globalization.
• Religious diversity, ecumenism and spirituality.
• The problem of drug use and drug trafficking.
• The role of youth and the new generations: today and tomorrow.
• Combating terrorism in all its forms, including State terrorism.
• Construction of a participatory and effective democracy.
• Need to respect international agreements in favor of peaceful coexistence.
• Justice as the sun of the moral world.
• The right to self-determination.
• Importance of cultivating the historical memory of all peoples.
• Contributions of Latin American thought,

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