Jun Xia

ISC Fellow (2023)

Dr. Jun XIA, born in China (1954), graduated from Wuhan University (WU), PhD in Hydrology & Water resources in 1985 and the Professorship since 1991, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2015, and now Chair Professor & Director, Research Institute for Water Security (RIWS), WU.

He has ample experiences on leading water science research, managing and strategy jobs in China and internationally. He has served as the President of International Water Resources Association (IWRA, 2009-2012), Board Governor of World Water Council (WWC, 2009-2015), Co-Chair, InterAcademy Council for Water Programme (2004-2010). He has published 184 journal papers indexed by SCI, 171 journal papers indexed by EI, 47 books; papers cited 14452 times.

He was awarded “International Hydrological Prize -Volker Medal”, given by IAHS, UNESCO and WMO in 2014; the 2017’s State Natural Science Award in China; 2019’s IUGG Elected Fellow, and 2023’s IWRA’s Ven Te Chow Memorial Award, with citation “for his outstanding contributions on hydrological science basis for sustainable water utilization and international cooperation for sustainable water management as an engine for social and economic sustainable growth”.

The page has been updated in May 2024.

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