International Studies (IS) shares some common characteristics with Development Studies (DS) such as a cross-disciplinary approach and inclusion of the Global South in analysis and both seek to take seriously calls to decolonise knowledge. DS and IS also both demonstrate maturity as fields of inquiry in both research and teaching, marked by the longevity of journals, institutes, and scholarly associations. However, exchanges between IS and DS are more limited than one might expect. This roundtable seeks to rectify this. The roundtable will discuss and explore connections and tensions between the two areas of enquiry and launch new conversations between scholars of IS and DS. The Roundtable will ask: What does IS bring to the study of the processes and politics and economics of development, the focus of DS? And conversely, what does DS bring to the study of global interactions, governance, and IR, the focus of IS? What areas would make for productive future dialogue between IS and DS?
Please visit the event page for more information as it becomes available.
Photo by Łukasz Nieścioruk on Unsplash