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Call for Nominations to the Future Earth Governing Council

Nominations for the Future Earth Governing Council are now open. Any member of the Future Earth Community is eligible (Assembly members and non-Assembly members).

The Future Earth Governing Council is the elected, operational decision-making structure working on behalf of the Assembly. It oversees the strategic and scientific direction of Future Earth and supports timely decision processes to advance Future Earth’s agenda, strategies, activities and structures.

The Governing Council is composed of 17 voting members representing the Future Earth Community: the Global Research Networks, the National and Regional Structures, and the Global Secretariat Hubs (Boards of Directors and Funders). In addition, the Governing Council has dedicated seats for representatives from low and middle-income countries as well as early career professionals.

Nominations for the Future Earth Governing Council are now open. Any member of the Future Earth Community is eligible (Assembly members and non-Assembly members).

The Future Earth Groups represented in the Governing Council and needing a new member (or renewal of a member) are:

The Governing Council is the elected and operational decision-making body of Future Earth, whose responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Overseeing the strategic direction and scientific priorities of Future Earth;
  • Identifying priority research/practice areas of strength and opportunity;
  • Overseeing the Secretariat’s operations, including the development and oversight of Future Earth policies and practices.

Nominations to be received by 9 September

Each group needs 1 seat filled. To nominate, please fill out this form by 9 September to submit a nomination. Self-nominations and nominations by others are both welcome.

Nominees must be members of the Group they apply to represent and their eligibility will be checked by the Secretariat.

Following the eligibility check, nominees’ profiles will be shared with the Assembly members of the Group they applied to represent. In addition, the list of nominees will be presented at the Future Earth Assembly meeting in September. Elections will take place online in October 2022.

Further reading

Future Earth

Future Earth is an affiliated body of the ISC. It is a major international research platform providing the knowledge and support to accelerate transformations to a sustainable world.

To find out more on the nomination process for the Governing Council, click here.

Photo by Eean Chen on Unsplash

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