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Engaging young and early-career scientists in the science-policy interface

The International Science Council (ISC) and the Global Young Academy (GYA) advocated for a stronger multilateral science-policy interface that meaningfully engages young and early-career scientists in the consultations on the UN Declaration on Future Generations.

The UN Secretary-General, in his report “Our Common Agenda”, invited Member States and other stakeholders to consider specific steps to account for the interests of future generations in national and global decision making and to consolidate these efforts in a “Declaration on Future Generations”. This Declaration would, if intergovernmentally agreed, be annexed to the “Pact for the Future” and form one of the outcomes of the Summit of the Future to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 in New York.

The International Science Council and its Member, the Global Young Academy, were invited to deliver a statement, providing recommendations to ensure an effective and impactful Declaration on Future Generations. Delivered in New York, on 16 January, by Morgan Seag, ISC Liaison to the UN System, the statement read the following:

First, on guiding principles: We call on the Declaration to be guided by a commitment to ensuring evidence-informed decision-making across the multilateral agenda, to harness the role of science in ensuring alignment with the rights and interests of future generations. This must be based on meaningful engagement with the global scientific community, including young and early career scientists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, who are often at the cutting edge of research and stand at the forefront of scientific advancements and innovative leadership.

Second, on practical actions: We recommend that the Declaration should:

  • Acknowledge the central importance of science to safeguard the rights and interests of youth and future generations, including through achievement of the SDGs and through foresight analysis;
  • Reflect commitment to engaging the global scientific community, including young and early career scientists, in developing mechanisms for knowledge-building, knowledge-sharing, future impact assessment, monitoring, and reporting to advance accountability to future generations; and
  • Encourage increased support of scientific research, collaboration, and education to build capacity among youth and future generations, including women and other underrepresented groups.

Finally, on the aims of the Summit of the Future: We call upon Member States to ensure the Summit advances progress toward a stronger multilateral science-policy interface that meaningfully engages young and early career scientists, to ensure better use of foresight as well as better exchange of scientific knowledge and data for future generations.

The ISC and GYA are committed to deliver an effective and impactful Declaration bringing about lasting change for future generations, firmly grounded in the latest and best available scientific knowledge.

Join the ISC’s as a Young Academy or Association

At a time when scientific advancements happen in a dynamic and fast-changing world, and science is needed more than ever to find solutions to multiple global challenges, the ISC is offering free Affiliate Membership to eligible young scientific groups.

Nearly twenty young academies and associations have joined the ISC and are already sharing in its benefits, such as attending the Global Knowledge Dialogue in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; the dialogue on exploring the possibility of starting at Pacific Academy, and members of young academies and associations have become ISC Fellows.

The ISC will offer free Affiliated Membership to all eligible organizations of young scientists meeting the criteria of membership categories One and Two. Eligible young academies and scientific associations are currently offered this opportunity to join as Affiliated Members while a new dues structure is being developed for approval at the next General Assembly. The current fees will be waived.

An invitation for eligible Young Academies and Associations to join the International Science Council as Affiliated Members

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Picture by Loïc Fürhoff on Unsplash.

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