
The science of a healthier home

What would you do if your home was affecting your health? In New Zealand, issues with damp, cold houses are thought to be linked to a poorer quality of life and even hospitalisations. See how scientists and communities are coming together to change this - one home at a time.


Video tutorials on science ethics and science communication

Discover the Science with Society “SCISO” project by ISC Member the Global Young Academy, which provides easily accessible content in the form of freely available video tutorials, that enable scientists to reflect about the role of science in society, and to communicate with broader audiences.


The scientists saving Malawi’s crops

Grief can set alight passion – so when Elizabeth’s father died, she was spurred on a mission to address an alternative to chemical pesticide use. Her work into sensory repellents against Malawi’s prominent pest, the diamondback moth, could provide much-needed scalable solutions to food security.


woman scientist in the field

How one young woman’s big tech dreams became a reality

When Ileana, a high school student from rural Texas, applied for an all- female STEAM camp in Rwanda she never could have predicted the profound effect it would have on her life and career. Now working in her dream job, Ileana encourages other young women to dream STEAM.


young woman scientist
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