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Call for Nominations: International Science Council Governing Board

Nominations for the first Governing Board of the International Science Council are now being sought from International Council for Science (ICSU) members.

The International Science Council (ISC), which will be created on the basis of a merger between ICSU and the International Social Science Council (ISSC), will hold its founding General Assembly in Paris, France, from 3-5 July 2018. The first Governing Board of the ISC will be elected during this meeting.

An Elections Committee has now been formed, and nominations for membership of the ISC Governing Board have been invited from ISSC and ICSU members.

In accordance with the ISC Statutes and Rules of Procedures as agreed during the Joint Meeting of ICSU and ISSC members held in Taipei in October 2017, the 2018 Elections Committee will be co-chaired by the Presidents of ISSC and ICSU, and will include four additional members elected by the ISSC and ICSU memberships.

Following the December 2017 vote by members of both Councils, we are pleased to announce that the elected committee members are:  Richard Catlow, Foreign Secretary, Royal Society, UK; John Crowley, Chief of Section, Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO; Marcia McNutt, President, US National Academy of Sciences; and Molapo Qhobela, Chief Executive Officer, National Research Foundation, South Africa.

Call for Governing Board Nominations

ISSC and ICSU members are now invited to submit nominations for membership of the ISC Governing Board.

Download a letter below from the Presidents of ISSC and ICSU containing the Call for Governing Board Nominations, along with further information regarding the nomination and election process and the composition of the ISC first Governing Board.

Kindly note that in order to submit nominations for the first Governing Board, ICSU members are requested to fill in the Nomination form circulated by email (and available for download below) and submit it by email to [email protected] by 23 February 2018.

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