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Electronic ICSU General Assembly to approve ICSU-ISSC merger treaty opens 11 May

An electronic General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU) will be held 11-16 May 2018 to formally approve the merger treaty between ICSU and the International Social Science Council.

Members’ participation in this electronic General Assembly is essential for the successful creation of the International Science Council. We therefore ask all of our members to complete and return their voting slip as soon as possible and before the deadline of 16 May 6 pm CEST (Paris time).

All relevant documents and further information on the Merger Treaty are available via the link below. This includes:

  • Notification by ICSU and ISSC Presidents of the electronic General Assembly to be held on 11-16 May 2018 deciding the legal implementation of the ICSU-ISSC Merger Agreement
  • Merger Treaty
  • New Statutes and Rules of Procedure.

Electronic voting ballots and submission instructions were provided to all ICSU members via e-mail today. If you represent an ICSU member and have not received the ballot or accompanying instructions, please contact the secretariat.

Please note that the electronic General Assembly of 11-16 May 2018 only requires voting by e-mail or fax and does not require any online presence during the indicated period by representatives of members.

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