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First External Review now open for the IPBES sustainable use assessment

The External Review for the first order draft of the chapters of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) thematic assessment on the sustainable use of wild species has been opened until 20 October 2019.

This assessment will consider various approaches to the enhancement of the sustainability of the use of wild species and to strengthen related practices, measures, capacities and tools for their conservation through such use, taking into account the multiple worldviews and knowledge systems that operate within different socio-ecological contexts. The assessment will be solution-oriented, with the overall aim of identifying challenges and opportunities to establish or strengthen measures and conditions that ensure and promote the sustainable use of wild species.

The external review by interested and qualified experts – including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders – is one of the most important phases in the IPBES assessment process.

If you would like participate as an expert reviewer in this external review of the sustainable use assessment, please follow these steps:

  1. Register as user of the IPBES website if you have not already done so.
  2. Apply to become an IPBES external reviewer for individual chapters here (this will only work when logged in first as IPBES website user).
  3. Once registered, you will immediately receive an email providing confidential access to the draft chapters and will be requested to submit your comments in English using a template that is available on the same webpage.

Find out more on the IPBES website.

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