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Global developments on research evaluation and assessment

An update on the ISC partnership with the Global Young Academy (GYA) and InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) on research evaluation.

There is growing consensus that more open, inclusive and context-sensitive ways of assessing research output, researchers and institutions are needed, to enable science to fulfil its role as global public good and address today’s societal challenges more effectively and equitably. 

This is why the ISC is collaborating with the Global Young Academy (GYA) and InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) to produce a global synthesis of research assessment developments, debates and reforms around the world, Evaluating science as a global public good. This builds on the work of an international scoping group in 2021, which included a set of regional consultations that took place from October to November 2021.

Relevant to this discussion is the recently launched Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, which was published by the European Commission at the end of September. Produced with input from over 350 organizations in 40 countries in the region, the Agreement sets out 10 commitments that institutions worldwide are now invited to sign up to as part of a growing coalition for change.

ISC Members might like to read this Agreement and use it to stimulate debate within their own institutions and networks. 

Find out more about the ISC’s work on research assessment.

Evaluating science as a global public good

The  Global Young Academy (GYA)InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)  and  International Science Council (ISC)  are joining forces in an initiative to take stock of developments and debates in research evaluation worldwide, across diverse research cultures and systems, and to re-imagine research evaluation for the 21st century.

The ISC contact for this work is Tracey Elliott ([email protected]).

Image by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

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