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International Conference on Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Systems Model Expansion

3 - 5 March 2022 Online
Add to Calendar 2022-03-03 00:00:00 UTC 2022-03-05 00:00:00 UTC UTC International Conference on Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Systems Model Expansion 3 - 5 March 2022 Online

The World Economic Forum’s 2021 Global Gender Gap Report estimates that the gender gap worldwide has grown over the past 12 months from 99.5 years (estimated in 2020) to 136 years. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the issues that contribute to women’s inequality, and highlighted their precarious position in the event of disasters. However, gender inequality is an ongoing issue that requires creative, holistic, and systemic approaches. The International AWESOME Conference aims to hold a premier interdisciplinary platform to address gender equality. The conference invites thinkers, researchers, practitioners, educators, and innovators from complex systems thinking, women and gender studies, technology innovation, and related fields to present, discuss and exchange ideas and perspectives of the potential of complexity science, system thinking, and innovation for women’s empowerment and gendered interventions. The conference seeks contributions around the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, and best practice solutions adopted to address practical challenges and improve women’s resilience.

REGISTER for the conference (3 – 5 March)

Conference Timeline

  • October 22, 2021: Call for Papers issued
  • December 19th, 2021 (11:59 PM IST): Deadline for submitting abstract papers and workshop or tutorial sessions proposals
  • January 7th, 2022: Paper Acceptance notification
  • December 29th, 2012: Paper Guidelines issued
  • February 7th, 2022 (11:59 PM IST): Final Submission of full Papers, Workshops and Tutorial agendas
  • March 3-5, 2022: 3 day Virtual Conference (held from India)

Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

Add to Calendar 2022-03-03 00:00:00 UTC 2022-03-05 00:00:00 UTC UTC International Conference on Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Systems Model Expansion 3 - 5 March 2022 Online
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