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Consultation for shaping a globally fair pricing framework

cOAlition S commissioned Information Power to explore how a globally fair pricing framework for academic publishing could be devised and implemented. The key objective of this project was to identify ways in which readers and producers of scholarly publications or their proxies – research funders and universities – can financially contribute to supporting academic publishing services in a globally equitable and sustainable manner.
Add to Calendar 2023-10-12 16:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC Consultation for shaping a globally fair pricing framework cOAlition S commissioned Information Power to explore how a globally fair pricing framework for academic publishing could be devised and implemented. The key objective of this project was to identify ways in which readers and producers of scholarly publications or their proxies – research funders and universities – can financially contribute to supporting academic publishing services in a globally equitable and sustainable manner.

The Information Power team have developed a fairer global pricing framework and tool, based on open and transparent data, that can be used across the spectrum of publishing business models. Information Power emphasizes the need for close dialogue between stakeholders and careful use of the tool to ensure the framework is deployed in ways that work well for customers and advance equity. If applied by publishers without dialogue, transparency, and in alignment with shared principles, then differential pricing can be – and has been – wielded as a blunt instrument to do ill.

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While in draft, the Information Power team would like to consult with the funder, library/consortium, and publisher communities about the framework and tool. Based on feedback received during this consultation, we will finalize the framework and tool. To facilitate this dialogue, cOAlition S is hosting a webinar on 12 October at 4 pm CEST, during which the Information Power team will explain the framework and tool in more detail.

To participate in the webinar, please use this link: Register now. If you cannot attend in real time, a recording will be available afterwards.

Photo by: Joshua Rawson-Harris

Add to Calendar 2023-10-12 16:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC Consultation for shaping a globally fair pricing framework cOAlition S commissioned Information Power to explore how a globally fair pricing framework for academic publishing could be devised and implemented. The key objective of this project was to identify ways in which readers and producers of scholarly publications or their proxies – research funders and universities – can financially contribute to supporting academic publishing services in a globally equitable and sustainable manner.
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