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Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop

This workshop convened by the World Data System (WDS) aims to discuss scientific data management best practices developed by research institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Add to Calendar 2018-04-17 00:00:00 UTC 2018-04-18 00:00:00 UTC UTC Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop

This workshop convened by the World Data System (WDS) aims to discuss scientific data management best practices developed by research institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Brazilian Academy of Sciences - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It will map initiatives that are either under way or in the process of being developed, their strengths and limitations, and new opportunities for collaboration. In addition, future trends and perspectives for scientific data systems, as well as criteria and standards for certification of data repositories, will be discussed.

WDS is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU) responsible for creating an international network of trusted data services to support international science.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the data landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean and to understand the associated opportunities and challenges, and secondly to discuss how WDS can support data initiatives for example with the certification of data repositories and data networks.

The Workshop will address the following topics:

  • New trends and future perspectives for scientific data projects
  • Global scientific data initiatives
  • Open data and open science trends and experiences
  • Latin American and Caribbean scientific data context and experiences
  • Integration and constitution of shared platforms for research data management
  • Advantages and process of accreditation of scientific data repositories
  • Funding, training and infrastructure for scientific data services

Submission of papers:

We invite specialists and scientists currently involved in data management initiatives for scientific and technological research in the Latin America and the Caribbean region to present their experiences. Those interested in presenting their work should send an abstract accompanied by a short bio by filling out the form on the workshop website no later than 26 January 2018.

More information is available on the WDS website or by email [email protected]

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Add to Calendar 2018-04-17 00:00:00 UTC 2018-04-18 00:00:00 UTC UTC Latin America and the Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop

This workshop convened by the World Data System (WDS) aims to discuss scientific data management best practices developed by research institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Brazilian Academy of Sciences - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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