SRI Talks: Sustainability for Whom?

February 18, 9am Brisbane time February 17, 6pm New York/11pm London Check the event time in your location
Add to Calendar 2021-02-17 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC SRI Talks: Sustainability for Whom? February 18, 9am Brisbane time February 17, 6pm New York/11pm London Check the event time in your location

Join Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress for a free, live streamed event bringing together world-leading experts in sustainability science and practice to discuss vital questions around equity, inclusivity and solidarity. 

Global sustainability cannot be realized without achieving sustainability for the most vulnerable and underrepresented communities – many of them in low- and middle-income countries, as well as those increasingly left behind in high-income countries.

Yet the framing of sustainability, investment in innovation, and academic analysis has been dominated by processes that give relatively little regard to and participation from these communities, even when they are about them. This bias matters, because decisions on sustainability include important trade-offs, and processes that lack inclusivity and diversity miss many opportunities arising from the different social, cultural and demographic attributes.

This SRI Talk theme, Sustainability for Whom?, is one of the five Congress Pillars of the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) which will take place June 12-15, 2021, in Brisbane, Australia.

This 60-minute talk will be live streamed through the SRI2021 virtual platform and will include a moderated discussion and live audience Q&A. This event is free to attend, please register at the link below. Connection details will be sent via email and linked from the website and social media platforms ahead of the event.

Add to Calendar 2021-02-17 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC SRI Talks: Sustainability for Whom? February 18, 9am Brisbane time February 17, 6pm New York/11pm London Check the event time in your location
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