Terrestrial Archaeology Seminar Series: Archaeology for a Changing Planet

The University of Glasgow Archaeology seminars highlight research on long term human–environment interactions, landscape change, social responses to environmental and climate change, and activist scholarship promoting sustainability through heritage.
Terrestrial Archaeology Seminar Series: Archaeology for a Changing Planet

This seminar series aims to engage a broad research and public community with this work. Unless otherwise indicated, all events take place at 16:00 GMT.

Presentations will be live-streamed on zoom, and are open to all researchers and members of the public interested in archaeology, landscape and environment. Groups will convene in Glasgow to listen together and hold informal post-seminar discussions.

Find out more at: https://terrestrial-archaeology.glasgow.ac.uk/index.php/seminar-schedule-fall-2021/

Photo: Andreas Haslinger via Unsplash.

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