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The WorldFAIR Webinar Series

Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Studies on Geochemistry and Disaster Risk Reduction | 20 May 2024 | 8:00 - 9:00 AM UTC The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps | 22, 23 May 2024 | 12:00 - 2:00 PM UTC Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health | 30 May 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM UTC
Add to Calendar 2024-05-20 10:00:00 UTC 2024-05-30 15:00:00 UTC UTC The WorldFAIR Webinar Series Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Studies on Geochemistry and Disaster Risk Reduction | 20 May 2024 | 8:00 - 9:00 AM UTC The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps | 22, 23 May 2024 | 12:00 - 2:00 PM UTC Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health | 30 May 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM UTC

Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Studies on Geochemistry and Disaster Risk Reduction

This webinar will present the activities, guidelines and recommendations from the WorldFAIR case studies on Geochemistry and Disaster Risk reduction.

More about the case study on Geochemistry: The WorldFAIR Geochemistry Work Package (WP) 05 is about bringing the diverse international Geochemistry community together and creating a global network of key geochemical data infrastructures. Through the formalisation of the OneGeochemistry initiative, generation of FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIPs) and community engagement this work package supports knowledge sharing of best practices and standardisation of geochemical data, enabling researchers to use and reuse data in large scale (big data) research and cross disciplinary studies.

Published Reports

More about the case study on Disaster Risk Reduction: The global Disaster Risk Reduction community is a diverse group of people and organisations encompassing NGOs, governmental bodies, academic researchers, practitioners, and institutions actively engaged in mitigating disaster risks and fortifying resilience. The objective is to enhance the safety of people, assets, and the environment by reducing vulnerabilities to natural hazards. The community believes that local solutions are superior to top-down expert-led solutions but these localised, grassroots solutions has led to a variety of data formats, terminologies, and analysis techniques, unique and specific to different regions. This case study aims to describe this plethora of detailed, locally specific data and linguistic variants and find ways to unify them. We envision it as a significant step towards the creation of a communal language and mutual understanding within the DRR arena. The ability of DRR community members to better share data, terms, and solutions should lead to a more global understanding on the current state of DRR, lead to better solutions, and ultimately save lives.

Published Reports

Registration and Schedule

20 May 2024 | 8:00 – 9:00 AM UTC

The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps

This special double session co-located with the RDA Virtual Plenary 22 is designed to show case the outputs from the WorldFAIR project and to discuss next steps. The event is open to all; you do not need to be a member of the WorldFAIR consortium to join.

WorldFAIR has a number of distinctive features that are worthy of attention and will be of interest to the RDA community.  WorldFAIR is a two-year European Commission funded project to advance the implementation of the FAIR principles.  Coordinated by CODATA and with the RDA as an important partner, WorldFAIR has the distinction of being a genuinely global project and – thanks to special EC rules – has funded partners from around the world.  

The core of the WorldFAIR project are the 11 case studies, which represent a wide range of sciences, communities and challenges, with global geographical coverage. These were identified from groups active in CODATA, RDA or both.  Among the partners in these case studies are number of organisations that play an important role in articulating and agreeing metadata and terminology standards for researchers in various domains. The first session will explore the outputs from these case studies and in particular the recommendations made.  A selection of the Case Studies will describe their work, their experience of using FIPs and will articulate key recommendations for the use of metadata standards and terminologies and structured around the most important themes and issues encountered.

The second session will focus on one of the key outputs of WorldFAIR: the Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF). CDIF provides a set of guidelines and practice for using domain-agnostic standards to support the interoperability and reusability of FAIR data, especially across domain and institutional boundaries.  CDIF has been developed based on input from WorldFAIR’s 11 case studies, including their FIPs, a series of dedicated meetings, and the participation of all the case studies in two successive workshops hosted at the Leibniz Foundation’s Dagstuhl Centre. Thirty invited experts have participated in drafting the CDIF guidelines, including members of many related FAIR initiatives and standards bodies, and has therefore, drawn on significant expertise both within and outside the WorldFAIR project.  This session will present the key CDIF ‘modules’ which cover the most important functional areas for using data across domains: discovery, integration, controlled vocabularies and mappings, provenance and process description, temporal and spatial description, etc.  

Both sessions will invite feedback and discuss activities to continuing this work beyond the lifetime of the EC funded project under the banner of WorldFAIR+.


Registration & Schedule

22 and 23 May 2024 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM UTC

Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health

This final webinar from the WorldFAIR case study on Population Health will present the final published report WorldFAIR Population health resource library and training package (D7.2).

More about the Case Study on Population Health: The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) project is assembling technologies and standards in support of a data hub that facilitates federated and/or shared research capable of interoperating across often-neglected low-resource settings: it aims to provide a platform-as-a-service, which can make data of disparate types available to many different styles of analysis, among which AI systems are increasingly prominent.

INSPIRE uses OMOP, a common data model that is becoming the gold standard for systematically integrating health data from disparate sources and conducting observational research at scale using routine clinical care data. However, OMOP is not completely FAIR29 and further work is needed to improve the ability to integrate diverse sources of data.

This case study team will improve the interoperation of OMOP with other standards to enable machine-actionable descriptions of data structure and provenance (e.g., DDI-CDI, PROV-O, SDTL); the composition of measurements focused on the objects of research (e.g., I-ADOPT); record linkage modeling for creating and evaluating bridges that connect domains, vocabularies (e.g., SKOS); and data discovery (e.g.,, DCAT). This suite of standards forms the basis of an ‘AI-Ready’ description of data suitable for use across domain and institutional boundaries.


Registration and Schedule

30 May 2024 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM UTC

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

Add to Calendar 2024-05-20 10:00:00 UTC 2024-05-30 15:00:00 UTC UTC The WorldFAIR Webinar Series Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Studies on Geochemistry and Disaster Risk Reduction | 20 May 2024 | 8:00 - 9:00 AM UTC The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps | 22, 23 May 2024 | 12:00 - 2:00 PM UTC Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health | 30 May 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM UTC
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