Webinar on Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective

21 September 2020 3:00 PM CET
Add to Calendar 2020-09-21 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC Webinar on Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective 21 September 2020 3:00 PM CET https://council.science/events/webinar-on-urban-data-space-as-new-frontier-a-responsible-research-and-innovation-perspective/

The Committee on Data (CODATA) invites to a talk focusing on the emerging phenomena of Urban Data Space (UDS) technology and investigating how UDS may be developed with taking a responsible research and innovation perspective. 

Speaker: Robert Braun
Designation: Associate Professor/Senior Researcher, Deputy Head, Techno-Science & Societal Transformation
Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria

Robert studied philosophy of arts and history at the University of Budapest, in 2002 he did his PhD in philosophy. 1991-94 he was assistant professor at ELTE University of Budapest. From 1994-2019 he was Associate Professor at Corvinus University in Budapest. From 2015-2018 he was Professor at Lauder Business School in Vienna. He was Pro-Rector of International Business School in Budapest 2014-2015. He is currently  senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna and Associate Professor at Masaryk University in Brno. He did research at Rutgers University in the US, at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Wassenaar, Netherlands, and taught at numerous universities in the EU and the US. His research projects involve the representation and engagement of stakeholders in corporate communities as well as the societal impacts of (autonomous) mobility. His core research interest is in the politics of societal transformation. His past research includes the politics of historiography [creation of power/knowledge and meaning in relation to the past]; the politics of corporations [creation of power/knowledge through social exchange/business]; and, currently, the politics of autonomous mobility [creation of power/knowledge through technology]. His last book was “Corporate Stakeholder Democracy,” published by CEU Press in 2019; his new and forthcoming book (written with Richard Randell) is on “Dromobility: Towards post-automobility” with Rowman & Littlefield International. 

Robert’s recent papers:

Add to Calendar 2020-09-21 00:00:00 UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC UTC Webinar on Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective 21 September 2020 3:00 PM CET https://council.science/events/webinar-on-urban-data-space-as-new-frontier-a-responsible-research-and-innovation-perspective/
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