Australia, Australian Early-and Mid-Career Researcher Forum (EMCR Forum)

The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Forum (the Forum) is the national voice of Australia's emerging scientists.

The Forum provides a mechanism for the Academy to engage with early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) from around Australia and to obtain advice on issues relevant to EMCRs. This informs the Academy’s policy recommendations to government and helps it to develop effective EMCR activities. The Forum provides a vital connection between Australia’s most eminent scientists and tomorrow’s future scientific leaders.

The EMCR Forum’s mission is to serve as the voice of Australia’s early- and mid-career researchers, championing improvement in the national research environment through advocacy. The focus of the Forum is on sustainable and transparent career structures, gender equity, stable funding policies, career development opportunities, and raising awareness of issues facing the future of science.

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