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Hungary, Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN)

The Hungarian Research Network has been a Member since 2021.

The Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) (until 2023 the “Eötvös Loránd Research Network-ELKH”) Secretariat is an independent, nonprofit public budgetary institution. The HUN-REN Secretariat was established by the Hungarian Parliament on August 1, 2019 pursuant to Legislation: Section 50 (1) of Act LXXVI of 2014 on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation as the budgetary chapter responsible for the management and operation of the publicly funded independent scientific research network which constitutes as the central pillar of the country’s scientific domain. The HUN-REN Secretariat is led by a 13-member independent Governing Body whose President, Vice-Presidents and members are academicians. The function of the Governing Board is supported by a Scientific Council and an International Advisory Board.

The HUN-REN is currently comprised of ten research centers, five research institutes and 150 additionally supported research groups operating at universities and other public institutions which conduct basic and applied research and explore varied disciplines of mathematics and natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and the humanities.

The organization was formerly named after Eötvös Loránd (Baron Roland von Eötvös) (1848-1919) the preeminent Hungarian researcher and multidisciplinary scientist and geophysicist, who, through his diverse scientific work and leadership exemplified the interconnectedness between the humanities and natural sciences, research and innovation. The HUN-REN builds on the rich legacy of Eötvös in articulating the multifaceted character of the collective wealth of knowledge accumulated in the research institute network focusing on the creation, preservation and revitalization of scientific research tradition, innovation and endeavors which have contributed to Hungary’s long-term successes.

The mission of the HUN-RENis to safeguard academic freedom and to operate Hungary’s publicly funded research institute network more efficiently with the continuous emphasis on performance, transparency and excellence.

Our strategic vision promotes collaboration between domestic and international members of the research and development ecosystem that strengthens the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy that includes leapfrogging internationally through R&D&I relationship building, establishing bilateral research agreements and accessing opportunities within international organizations. These coupled with challenge-driven innovation and research projects are aimed to support efforts to translate the results of basic and applied research into solutions that contribute to the resolution of domestic, global, social and environmental challenges.

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