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Japan, Science Council of Japan (SCJ)

The Science Council of Japan has been a Member since 1919.

SCJ was established in 1949 as a “special organization” under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, operating independently of the government, for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the field of science, and having science reflected in and permeated into administration, industries and people’s lives.

It represents Japan’s scientists both domestically and internationally with its two functions: To deliberate on important issues concerning science and help solve such issues, and; To make coordination among scientific studies to achieve higher efficiency.

In order for achieving its goals, SCJ has been focusing on the following four activities: Policy recommendations to the government and public; International activities; Promotion of scientific literacy, and; Establishment of networks among scientists.

With its 210 Council Members and some 2,000 Associate Members from a broad-range of fields spanning over humanities and social sciences, life sciences, as well as physical sciences and engineering, SCJ conducts its activities from a universal perspective and a comprehensive and multifaceted point of view for the soundness of science and human society and wellbeing of all humankind.

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