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Kazakhstan, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAS RK)

The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a member since 1995.

The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAS RK) is the uniting center of science and the coordinator of fundamental and applied research as well. The main objectives of NAS are: to analyse the state-of-the-art, to prognosticate science development in Kazakhstan and to define priorities in scientific trends. The NAS develops scientific programmes on relevant and prospective directions.

The Board (Presidium) of NAS of Kazakhstan is an advisory organ. The President and the Heads of the six departments of science (including physics & mathematics, earth science, chemistry & technology, biology & medicine, social & human sciences and agriculture) are members of the Board). Departments of sciences primarily incorporate research institutes, national scientific centres and other scientific institutions (the number of which exceeds 50) of the different branches of science in Kazakhstan; they coordinate their scientific activity on formation and realization of fundamental research programmes financed by the state budget. The departments are responsible for the organization and fulfilment of competitions of scientific programmes and for providing scientific expertise as well. The NAS annually holds its General Session where the most significant problems of science development and basic trends and priorities of fundamental and applied research in the fields of natural, technical, agrarian, social and humanitarian sciences are discussed, adopting recommendations on them. In addition, the NAS elects academicians of NAS, corresponding members, as well as awards, State prizes and fellowships.

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