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Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

The Russian Academy of Sciences has been a member since 1955.

The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), founded in 1724 at the order of Emperor Peter the Great, reorganized in 1925 as the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, restored its present name by the Degree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1991, is the highest self-governing scientific establishment in Russian.

The primary task of the Russian Academy of Sciences is to conduct basic research in the field of natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities, and their application to facilitate economic, social and spiritual development of society and to study new options for scientific and technological progress in order to promote application of scientific achievements and developments.

All the Members and Officers of the Russian Academy of Sciences are elected. The General Assembly is the Academy’s supreme organ. It consists of all Academy’s Members, as well as of scientific fellows delegated by the RAS institutions. Within the Academy there are 400 research institutes and 9 scientific divisions in which all members are involved according to their particular scientific interests. There are also 3 regional branches in the Academy: the Ural Branch, the Siberian Branch and the Far-East Branch, as well as 13 regional centers: Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kazan, Karelian, Kola, the SC in Chernogolovka, Puschino, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Troitsk and Ufa.
The Russian Academy of Sciences maintains broad contacts with 90 foreign partners in 56 countries and many international scientific organizations adhering as member of more than 60 associations and unions.

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